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Alright, a third hint. If only because otherwise this what sound like a good ad would be incomplete. Anyway, hint 3;

Choose one of the three families, and take the golden Eagle to every corner of the known world!

Hint 2: Of course that last bit is metaphorical as the player doesn't physically do that in person, but after you've shouted "Senatus Populesque Romanus" at the screen towards many factions of Barbarians, you can turn your armies towards the other two families and the Senate itself to seize the throne as Imperator.

Hint 3: So, will you pick the Julii, and conquer the Gauls in the west, will you be the head of the Scipio family, and conquer the Carthaginians to the south, or will you be one of the Brutii, and conquer the eastern peoples? And after that, Rome itself!