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Yes, and E3 also has many things for the FANs to do beside the conference/keynote. So are with Gamescom, PGW, PAX, TGS, etc.
You said PSX 2015 is 100% for fans, so you saying we want more 3rd party, indies and more remastered than actual exclusives and Sony 1st party games ???
Incase you didnt know, i love PlayStation because of their 1st party games and exclusives, NOT the CONSOLE.
Just like Nintendo fans, im sure they like the 3DS becuz of exclusives like Pokemon, monster hunter, fire emblem, etc or loving the wii u becuz of amazing games like Smash, mario and Splatoon.
Or Xbox fans, they love the xbox one becuz of exclusives like Halo, Gears, Forza, Sunset Overdrive, Crackdown, etc.