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I'm about 98. 7% sure he is a democratic plant. He is not just close with the Clintons he is nearly IN BED with the Clintons. He is extremely good friends with Bill Clinton and just as close with Hilary. He has been a registered democrat his ENTIRE life and has said great things about democrats, the Clintons, and Barack Obama up until he decided to run on the Republican ticket. Now he is destroying the party, saying the most outlandish things he can possibly conceive, and is splitting (and destroying) the Republican brand. He will undoubtedly come out and say all this once Hilary (or Bernie) is elected. He has NEVER had a single good thing to say about the GOP until he decided to run. He is a plant by the Clintons. The fact that he has so many supporters speaks volumes of the Republican party and how low they have sank. Hope this thread gets resurrected down the line when all of this is true.