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It's happened a lot with the ps4.

Killzone shadow fall was an absolute wow moment.

Then battlefield 4 on maps like siege of shanghai and the campaign.

Then Resogun.

Then Infamous second son. That moment when they blow up the bridge at the start and you exit the tunnel from the smoke into the light. Wow.

Then metro redux.

Then gta 5 ps4.

Then driveclub. Wow racing games can look real?

Then the order 1886. WOW.

Then God or war 3 remastered.

Then the uncharted collection. I must have forgotten how good it looked.

And recently just when I was thinking dice pushed the ps4 with battlefield I was blown out of the water countless times by it.

I'm honestly not exaggerating. I've been blown away so many times and the next one will be uncharted 4.