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HoloDust said:
JEMC said:

@HoloDust: Thanks for the vid. Both processors are more or less on par. It's a shame that AMD is so behind Intel .

And the next Bristol Ridge won't change that, we'll have to wait until Zen at the end of 2016 or 2017 to see if AMD can get back on track.


I'd personally go with the s1151 build with the i3-6100, even if the B150 chipset is kind of low end.

By the way, you can use the 2TB Hitachi HDD from your 700 build into your 1,000 one. That way you get rid of Seagate for a better (or more reliable) brand that's also cheaper.

Yeah, AMD is really lagging behind...I don't know, maybe DX11 will change few things, I would hate to see them go under.

1150 vs 1151 buillds - I guess I would pick 1151 build as well, 1150 has some better components, but it might be tricky if someone wants an upgrade in 3 or so years.

As for Hitachi, I agree completely - only problem I have with it is 32MB instead of 64MB buffer...but for reliability (IIRC, IBM, and they were one of the most reliable ones, sold their HDD manufacturing to Hitachi quite a few yeas ago) they beat Seagate hands down - honestly, everyone beats Seagate, they are something that I really, really avoid, so I guess even bit slower HDD is better than one that has a lot more chance to die on me.

Oh, and I would drop Optical...sure, some people still use them, but it's been a while since I've seen one in new build - that way you could up that i5 6400 to 6500.

I've never understood how Seagate, that everybody despises and every report proves that aren't reliable, can still be in the business and do so well. I mean, look at that

That's unacceptable.


As for droping the optical drive, the builds are for the people of this site and (as I've said to Chazore) they will take any excuse to moan about it. That's why we also add keyboard, mouse and the OS, to avoid any source of conflict.

But yes, droping the optical ddrive would allow me to get the better CPU and, with a couple more changes (like going with the cheaped kb+m of the first build and using the 970 instead of the 390), I almost could go for the 16GB of RAM.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.