Basil, you make one good PC thread outside the sub forum and suddenly you're getting mobbed by the typicals =P.
This is why I don't hold much hope for the site, I mean whatever good news is, it's never going to be objectively or subjectively better than their console of pref or most likely PS4, which is why I honestly dislike how we can't have any good news without being told otherwise.
Just got the new GG of the start of the gen?, it's a super old game.
Getting some JRPG love from devs that are getting to know the platform?: they won't sell much, JRPG's aren't for PC.
That's just a few random types I see thrown around here anyway, I know I sound jaded but I was happy to see Basil's thread and then dismayed to see the usual suspects coming in where I keep getting told by them I have no place coming into, having them decide to come into the thread and decide they can say what's what, I find that just a bit irksome and hypocritical. It's not like we PC users make constant PC only threads outside of this sub forum if at all =/.
Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.