Ruler said:
BasilZero said:
Having a game on a disc does not make it better - that is just an opinion of the eye of the beholder. Features added to games such as additional content, improvement of visuals, improvement of FPS, etc do.
Let me make this clear for you. This thread is about a platform becoming the "Best" platform for the Final Fantasy series not a argument thread for the definition of "Definite". For all related topics to arguing for the definition of definite please refer to here:
Anyways at the moment (not including the mobile platforms) the Playstation Vita is currently the best platform mainly cause you can play these following games....
-Final Fantasy I Anniversary (PSP) -Final Fantasy II Anniversary (PSP) -Final Fantasy III (PSP) -Final Fantasy IV Complete Collection (PSP) -Final Fantasy V (PSX) -Final Fantasy VI (PSX) -Final Fantasy VII (PSX) -Final Fantasy VIII (PSX) -Final Fantasy IX (PSX) -Final Fantasy X/X-2 Remaster (PSVita) -Final Fantasy Tactics (PSX) -Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions (PSP) -Final Fantasy Dissidia (PSP) -Final Fantasy Dissidia 012 Duodecim (PSP)
When X/X-2, Tactics and hopefully IX (and maybe a port of Dissidia PS4/XBO) will make the PC the true platform to go for in terms of Final Fantasy.
You say new home and definitie platform in the title, you could have just said new home
PC will always be the superior platform. Having adisc version doesn't make anything difinitive sorry. Also having more advantages than something makes it the difinitive version. PC having 10 advantages over the consoles 1 would make it difinitive. (That was an example number, but point stands). 10 advantages over 1 is unarguably better.