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The "Anti-Christ" is pure nonsense and doesn't exist. But, just to appease the thread. No he's not. If I know the Anti-Christ story he's supposed to be soundly loved by all and win the election. Trump isn't and won't! Trump however, is a total moron and I simply can't believe anyone supports this guy. Then again... I can totally believe it! People aren't looking for him to explain anything. They just listen to him make insane speeches and go with it. He'll replace the ACA with "something terrific". He's "the best thing to ever happen to Israel". He'll make Mexico build a wall on the US/Mex border. I mean WTF?

Don't people want him to explain anything he says? Now he wants to bar all Muslims from entering the US because (I guess) all Muslims are terrorists. Although we've had twice as many white terrorists kill Americans over the past 6 months. Anyway, do you know how he'll identify these Muslims? He'll have the people at the airport ask them if they're Muslim. They say "yes" and they can't come in. Say "no" and you're golden.

Trump reminds me of that one douchebag in every circle of friends whom thinks he's the most awesome person on the planet. Whenever you're having problems with anything he always knows his way would work if he ever has the same problem. He says things like "That sh!t couldn't happen to me, bro!" The guy's an absolute moron and only in America can someone this ridiculous ascend this high up in politics. Then again...

Finally, this is how silly things have become in regards to this guy. The other day I was talking about innocent Muslims being attacked because of what happened in San Bernardino. I said to someone, "Do you think it's OK for an innocent Muslim child here in West Palm Beach, FL to be attacked and beaten because of something that someone did 4,000 miles away?" The response I got was: "So what? They're attacking us!" Wow! I then stated how closely this rhetoric resembles Nazi Germany. The response to that was that Obama is closer to Hitler than Trump will ever be. I then asked "How so?" And that's how I finally got him to stop talking!


A mouse & keyboard are made for sending email and typing internet badassery. Not for playing video games!!!