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Jounin - to Sony, the Playstation's just another thing to make money off of, nothing more. Corporations are faceless, careless entities. What makes more money? Billions of Blu-Ray disks, and licensing fees for hundreds of million BR-ROM players/diodes, ect, and inventing/cornering the market on the format war, or the a hundred-million selling Playstation brand name.

IMO, all it'd take to revive the PS brandname is a $300 price drop, and nothing more. Sony knows it too. Thats why they act like buttholes so often. Each console is a master of its destiny, but Sony and MS know that there's far more to the war than just games, as its connected to the TV for movies (which rivals the VG industry dollar for dollar), and the internet (which greatly exceedes the VG and Movie Market), therefore Sony is taking the easier format/media disk route, and MS is taking the hard, but more profitable internet route. Nintendo is taking the gaming route, and killing everyone rather easily (in profits).

But again, if Sony/MS make a few extra billion USD off of their PS and Xbox brand names via net, movies, and format licensing, thats what matters to a corporation....Overall profits.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.