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Hynad said:

Really, how so?

If you want to talk about the coating, then yeah, it gets a little embarassing compared to FF X.  But my guess is that you didn't separate "best battle system" with "best characters", "best look", "most compelling story" or some other superficiality like that. The mechanics and pace of FF X-2's battle system are excellent, especially compared to FF X. It simply has one of the best implementation of the job system in any of the series entries. 

I agree with you, ignore the j-pop cheese fest it is, FFX-2 has one of the better battle systems in FF games. It's free moving and quick with loads of customisation. 

Player2 said:

Because nobody plays Pokemon for the story. That's not the case of Final Fantasy. Guess what happens when how the game plays isn't the #1 reason to like it for a decently sized group of fans.

They don't buy it? Yet you've said they do. What do these fans care about how the game plays if they are already buying it regardless. I can understand why they want it changed but they are already buying it and putting up with the gameplay. Why should the entire FF series change to meet their needs?

Hmm, pie.