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DakonBlackblade said:
HoloDust said:
DakonBlackblade said:
HoloDust said:
Hopefully there won't be heavily defined main character like Geralt, I prefer to see more of a 'create your own hero' approach to give it more choices and replayability.

Why ? So that the character may have no expression, be totaly souless and the story can be super badly written like in Fallout 4 and everybody will say its OK cause they got to "chose theyre own story" ? If its not a defined character go the Shepard/Inquisitor route, where the character was defined but you could change its apearence, otherwise its a recipe to deliver terrible storylines and uninteresing main characters.

You have apparently never played some of the great c/W/RPGs that have 'create your own hero' approach AND great (or at least good) stories on top of it - like Fallout 1/2, Gothic 1/2, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, KOTOR 1/2...even in Planescape: Torment, what is generally considered the best written c/W/RPG (if not RPG, period) of all times it's up to you to shape The Nameless One as you see fit.

Anyway, I see you're a bit younger, so you must've missed some of those games and you're automatically connecting 'create your own hero' with Bethesda level of bad...which is bad, there's no argument there, they are probabaly the worst in industry in last 2 decades when it comes to stories and characters.

But there are other devs that do it right, and that's what I would like to see from 2077 (and it seems, what we'll get), game that gives you more options than what Witcher offered.

Im not "a bit younger", Im 27 so Ive been around ever since videogames were in its infancy, Ive played almost all of those games you listed with the excepetion of Fallout 1/2 and Gothic 2, and on those games, the story is indead great but the weakest part is your silent, expressionless, souless main character, that could be much better and more usefull to the story if he had a pre-set structure like Shepard did on ME. You can make Shepard look and have the skills you want, even change his/hers first name, but hell always have a "skeleton" there that ties him to the story and gives him a soul, on KOTOR this kinda happens as well, there is character development in there for your main character, but itd stil be better if you werent just a nameless Jedi.

Well, given that I'm in mid 40s, you do undestand how 27 is "a bit younger" hard feelings meant, just that a lot of folks these days who seem to play Bethesda games never actually played anything else when it comes to WRPGs, and you specifically, for some reason, compared what I've said about "create your own hero" with their games...which is kinda funny, given how often I bash them, and specially FO3/4 for ruining Fallout.

Anyway, I have no problem in fairly linear RPGs with more defined main characters...actually, I would even prefer that Witcher 3 was more linear like W2, the way it turned out in the end seemed like open-world was slapped on, unlike IPs like Gothic where good mixture of story and exploration works exactly because you are a "Nameless Hero"...actually, I'd say, for all good RPGs that have lot of potential in playing your character very differently and exploring world, while having good stories, this is almost a prerequisite of a sort, since hard fixing character is just limiting options.

But, in the end it comes to personal preference, I'd almost always take more variety and replayability in RPG over pre-defined characters, especially when it comes to open-world for 2077, after digging a bit, it seems I don't have to worry much, though the info is bit old, it looks like we'll have much more freedom when it comes to main character than in Witcher.