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DakonBlackblade said:

I play tabletop all the time, in fact I was playing D&D 5th ed today morning with my long time group. The difference is, tabletop is organic, it doesnt have a set structure the DM makes the adventure and the story but he adapts it to how the players react and construct theyre characters. If I say I play a cleric that has gone mad after being possessed by a demonic entity, and now hes paranoid and thinks everyoen is possessed, the DM might actualy put someone possessed in a village and Id try to convinve my group that that person was under demonic influence, and no one would believe me and thered be lots of roleplay in the following interactions this storyline would provide.

A videogame, on the other hand, doesnt think, it has a set structure, and it also doesnt depend on your imagination, it needs to animate the character, when the character doesnt have a name, a face nor expressions he also doesnt have a purpose on the set world the game provides you, I could make my paranoid cleric backstory but Id never meet anything that would play on that backstory nor would my character even emote differently if he were to find a demon.

Fallout (3 and 4, never played 1 and 2 to say anythign) or Elder Scrolls (Oblivion and Skyrim, also never played the others) are agmes about visiting random places and killing stuf, ppl try to say theyre games were you make your own story but you dont, theres a set structure everyone follows and its not changeable, some sidequests you may do or not and a very poorly written and shallow main story. Mass Effect, Drgaon Age and Witcher on the other hand offer deep imersive experiences, even DA 2 wich is just lower quality than the others ofer an imersive story, cause they integrate you, the player, to the setting, other than offering you a souless main character that dont have much expression and is just a random dude on the world. You can shape your character to an extent, buts always withim the boundarys of the game, therefore if the character dont have a preset "skeleton" it feels like he isnt interacting with the world.

Just to conclude, its exactly because I play tabletop that I dont liek the completly no preset character creation type of game, I know the character Im creating will still be limited by the game and wont have a real purpose because the devs didnt give him one, I know how true character creation and development works from playing tabletop, devs cant fool me. Imagine how Final Fnatasy VII would feel if Cloud were a mute dude with no name, blank expressions and no backstory. 

The thing about Fallout 1-2 and even the later ones (besides 4 since things have changed now) and the ES series is that you pretty much have to make up your character as you go along, we all know you come out of a vault or that you woke up some place (in ES games) but the changes from there are usually on your own accord. To you they can feel or appear like a skeleton but to others they can appear like their own designed character sicne they designed parts ot eh body, face, attributes etc. With Mass Effect you more or less come with a predefined character in the sense that it is already given a personality and a voice, not all of which is liked by all but some since doing it that way does eliminate some personal character building as parts of it if not most are done for you, all that's left with that type is to make choices, choices of which you make in games like Fallout/ES/Witcher a lot of the time and likely with CP2077.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"