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LuckyTrouble said:
Kowan said:
NiKKoM said:
Can't wait to preorder that super exclusive 150 dollars collectors edition season pass...

These "episodes" will be full game sized episodes. lol They're probably altering and adding story elements per disc so that each game will be like one complete game. Let's not compare their approach to episodic games like TWD or LIS. The game is way too big for that.

You are literally making this up as you go at this point. You can only infer so much from the limited information, and you've gone far beyond reason. They have only said definitively that all of the original story content will not fit in a single release, and specifically cited expanding and heavily populating areas like Midgar for that. This does not mean each episode is going to be a 40 hour experience. You are positively delusional if you believe that will be the case. That would cost far more than even Square Enix would be willing to pour into the sequel both in work hours and budget.

Expect each episode to net about 10 - 15 hours, and for the final experience to be somewhere between 50 and 60 hours. Unless they've completely changed their design approach since the first interviews back in late June and early July, they will only be integrating some content from the various side games. No, there will not be totally playable Crisis Core as one episode. There will just be additional plot elements, maybe all of an hour, that will help tie it in more securely to the FF7 story. Same with all of the side content. From what they've said, it will be acknowledged and lightly integrated to some extent, but they have only said at this point that they want to surprise even long time fans. That did not speak to me like drastically changing the shape of FF7 and making it into a 200 hour epic, but adding a few things here or there to enhance the experience.

Making up stuff? I'm speculating like everyone here is doing, like what you are doing. FF7R will NOT have "episodes" comparable to those of TWD nor LIS. That is impossible and just not compatible with a game like FF7. If they really include everything in the storyline off ff7 then yes one part could go as long as 40 hours. The original game's 1st disc could already take up to 20 hours. Imagine that but made like how modern rpgs are today, do you seriously think it would still be just 20 hours or so? Specially if they add more to the story? They also have not announced how many these so-called episodes(they might not even be episodes). They could only release 2 parts of the whole game for all we know.

Also even 10-15 hours of content is already comparable to a full game, maybe not RPGs, though. lol