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I'm still not a fan. They've confirmed an episodic nature to releasing which leaves me in the same place of criticism as I was previously. "They're adding stuff!" Yeah, we already knew that. Back when they revealed at E3, it didn't take long for them to confirm in interviews that they would be integrating content from the various side projects over the years. The battle system details are okay. Still vague, mostly could be inferred from the trailer, but cool, I guess.

What irks me is that they would rather sit there and sell pieces of a game because they can't keep their development in check enough to contain the experience to a single release. To me this is a showing of incredibly poor development practices, basically saying they don't want to compromise, so the end consumer just has to deal with it.

Thanks, but no thanks. Nomura can go fall off a cliff for all I care. His obsession with creating expansive, convoluted stories doesn't need to leak out of Kingdom Hearts development space.