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BraLoD said:
Hiku said:

In that case, perhaps it will be like the original game? 3 Discs.


There is other stuff in that Soriku post, it saying episodes and more than one game so it can be at full.
It does really sound like FF7 Remake, will be spawing more than one game, like you said, 7-2, 7-3. But that won't come together, there is even saying "if we tried to do one release".

It'll probably take at least 3 years for the game to be full remade, after the initial launch, they are probably aiming for a yearly episode model.
That just in the end, after years, will actually achieve a full remake of FF7.

This is no disc split, it's content release split, they will make it piece by piece while this generations flows.

Which makes me actually concerned if'll even have a FF16 this gen.

XV at 2016, VII-1 at 2017, VII-2 at 2018, VII-3 at 2019.

This remake may cost us the whole gen which just a single new FF game.

Even as XV seems awesome, I'm very worried now.

Square has more than 1 development team, they can work on FF XVI paralel to FFVII R. Id be very disapointed if we dont get FFXVI this gen. What they said about the episodic thing seens actualy a good thing, and thinking about it theyre probably right about the scope of the game being too big for 1 release, Midgar alone is probably the size of Novigrad (from Witcher 3), and them you throw all the land in the world, forests, seas , caves, underwater segments, Gold Saucer, Junon, Cosmo Canyon, Calm Town, Costa del Sol etc. With todays graphics and scope of things FFVII world would be ginormous, so if they realy are splitting this os they can actualy give us everythign in the original the proper way Im game. I just wonder if the games will be completly separate entitys or if they will be parts of a same game, the way they worded it I think itll be the later. I can see Midgar comming as soon as 2016 (if they decide to release the Midgar part as 1 separate part, wich would make sense), also explain why the trailer only had Midgar in it.