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-Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam
-Fire Emblem: Fates(Pre-ordered)
-Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow Virtual Console(Day 1)
-Bravely Second
-Dragon Quest 7
-Dragon Quest 8
-Dragon Quest XI

-Twilight Princess HD
-Pokken Tournament(Day 1)
-SMTxFE(Day 1)
-The Legend of Zelda(Day 1)
-Pikmin 4

-Resident Evil: Origins Collection
-Street Fighter V(Day 1)
-Uncharted 4(Day 1)
-Mirror's Edge: Catalyst
-Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
-Persona 5(Day 1)
-Final Fantasy XV
-Gravity Rush 2
-Kingdom Hearts 2.8
-Mass Effect Andromeda
-Nier: Automata
-Resident Evil 2 Remake
-Rise of the Tomb Raider
-South Park: The Fracture But Whole
-Final Fantasy VII Remake(Day 1)
-Kingdom Hearts 3
-Valkyria of the Blue Azure
-Ni No Kuni II

-Attack on Titan
-Danganronpa 3
-Dragon Quest Builders(Day 1)

Wii U NNID:  CWegzz
3DS Friend Code:  4210-5277-5484
PSN:  Ronnoc4
Steam:  CWegz