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So Rise of the Dark Knigh- I mean Tomb Raider is out, and its mean-spirited exclusivity is in effect. It's easy for various websites and pundits to speculated on whether or not this has/will turn out to be a good movie in terms of sales, or on what the public think of the scheme, but I'm curious, so I figure I'd ask people directily (the internet version of hitting the streets with a camerman and a microphone.

So tell me. What are your plans regarding Rise of the Tomb Raider assuming you have some interest in it?

Did you buy the previous game? Do you intend to buy this one? If so, are you going to shell out for an Xbox One for it? Did you already have an Xbox One? Are you planning to wait? If so, for three-four months (PC) or for a whole year (PS4)? Or are you planning on giving the game a miss?

I'll go first: I'm a PC gamer, so I'm just going to wait. I really don't want a console. I really like the first Tomb Raider, but not to the point that I wouldn't forgo the game entirely if Square Enix pushed their luck with me. There are always a dozen other games to play instead. But three to four months is hardly a wait, so I'll grab it on steam when it comes out;D Might wait for a sale given the presence of microtransactions though :S

What about you cool cats? What are your plans?