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d21lewis said:

Still playing it. Still loving it. That's all that counts, right?

No. I hate that this game is doing so poorly in sales because it's spectacular. My favorite gaming experience so far this year. The problem is that, if it doesn't sell well on Xbox One and then turns around and flops on the other platforms (don't let me down, PS4 fanbase!) then what's the motivation to make another one? Why bother with all of the content and quality if they can make a $10 Arcade game and make more money?

You can't force people to like what you like and support what you want them to support but the ball has really been dropped on this one. Probably due to poor management and timing but that doesn't change the reality that a really high profile title from a known quality franchise is being totally ignored. This is the kind of thing that keeps third parties from supporting Nintendo because "Our games don't sell on their platforms".

Hold on, Lara. Just hold on a little longer....


*edit* screw it.  I'm making a thread!

Agreed 1000%. It sucks when good games or series are mismanaged.