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That's a steam sale. Tomb Raider is not a gigantic PC series and virtually zero PC games stay at full price for long (COD and Blizzard titles seem to be the exceptions that prove the rule).

You cut out the link that showed SE noting profitability had been 'beyond profit expectations' by the time 6M sales were hit.

If TR had been turned from a disappointment at 3.4M to 'beyond expectations' by 6M, why would they decide to go platform exclusive? It seems that SE was just bad at business.

In fact, things were so bad that the CEO resigned :

Not every gaming company is so poorly managed.

The decision to take $$ to go timed exclusive probably sounded like a safe temporary bet, but appears to be an absolute disaster for both Tomb Raider and Square Enix. There's no logical way they projected such horrendous sales of TR2015 and got paid enough to make up for it, let alone the damage to the brand.