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That bit in the end when the derrick knocks over the brumak is kick ass.

Everything looks great so far, and a lot of people are already comparing it to killzone 2 and resistance 2 graphically as we've already seen some impressive footage from KZ2.

We knew the graphics were going to be great and the game play will be great which was what got Gears 1 the praise last time round.

But this time round, the main thing Epic needs to do is get the story right.
People were very critical of the first one for having a loose story... it didn't matter though because the gameplay was good enough, we only needed to know that these are some big dudes trying to rid their planet of the Locust Horde.

If Gears 2 is going to have the same effect as the first game, i think it's going to boil down to how well they tell the story and how it complements the gameplay.