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I'm in the UAE for my new job. It was initially too fucking hot to do anything outside when I got here in August. My wife's not going to be here until mid January, and my job actually isn't as demanding outside regular work hours. Soooo. I never leave the house, no distractions, and I don't take work home anymore (aside my masters course)... I did what any normal guy would do. I made a console purchase of course.
It's funny how I reverted back to my old gaming habits as soon as I was put in an environment that mimics my pre marriage life.
Anywho I binge played MGSV which was awesome until the disastrous chapter 2. Then I finished Second Son that in all honesty wasn't any different or any better than Infamous 2. I'm currently playing Bloodborne that is actually a watered down version of Demon's Souls. It's ok but nothing special.
Somewhere in between those games and in my last 2 months of gaming I played the order for a total of 3 hours for about 4 days before I just gave up on it. Too slow and too boring with cheesy control gimmicks.

I gotta tell ya. I regret buying every one of those games.

My furture purchases will be Yakuza 5 and Persona 5.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson