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That's not raining on my parade, I hope they do port it over for others to enjoy. I can't imagine any way the control scheme will give the same experience. The camera control will be fine, aiming is no problem but throwing a baseball with your traditional controller is just not that much fun. It also is a game that will not benefit at all from HD graphics.

Besides, can anyone tell me where this childish "I like system X so I want all other systems to fail" nonsense came from? You don't see it elsewhere. I drive an Acura but I don't have a wish to see Lexus fail, I use Scott toilet paper but I've never wished Charmin to go belly up. I prefer the Wii but I harbor no wish for fire to rain down from heaven on Sony or MS. I wouldn't argue in these places at all except for the pigheaded the Wii is different so it must be crap silliness.

Hey it's just a damn game system and unless Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo is sending you a monthly check you really don't have to shill for them. Get over it, new systems come out, sometimes they are different, sometimes the difference is good although that is never believed or accepted by the users of the older technology. If the the change is good then it will become the norm until the next innovation. Someday the users of motion controllers will bitterly resist the new system that follows the pupil of your eye or whatever is next. Good thing or we would all be playing with one button joysticks or Pong paddles.