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zero129 said:
OneKartVita said:
zero129 said:
Dr.Vita said:

Congrats dude!
Next games to buy are Bloodborne and The Witcher 3.

He plans on upgrading his PC next year. IF it was me and he could wait id leave TW3 till then and get it for his PC, since the should be lots of great PC mods out for it by then. Plus it should have the enhanced edition with all the DLC plus both expension packs released by then also.

Or he can just play it now like everyone else and if he still cares about mods or improved graphics he can get it cheap in a sale next year or whenever he upgrades for pc.  

Clearly i know Basil, and i also know he has a huge backlog of PC games already and now many "Exclusive" PS4 games he is going to want to play.

Since by the time he gets around to playing the witcher 3 (cos of his huge backlog), he will have payed more money for it now then he will for the enhanced edition once it launches on PC.

Plus some experiences are just better on PC's and WRPG's are one of them. So like i said since he wont be playing it till next year anyways he might as well wait for the Enhanced edition on PC.

In fact once Basil upgrades his PC, i can see most of his 3rd party games being on that, since he will have a much more powerful PC then he does already .

And the is no harm in this, since when i get my PS4 it will just be for the Exclusives and my PC will be for 3rd party.

If he really wants to play it then play it now.  If he's a backlog like most pc gamers then it's filled with titles bought cheaply on sale and it's probably so big he'll never play them all.  Might aswell put one of the best games this year to the front.  


I'm sure he'll buy mostly exclusives for the ps4 but it's worth it for many 3Rd parties too.  


Battlefront one of the biggest shooters of the year only has 14k players online.  They will be hardcore so unless you want to get wrecked you'd better play it on ps4 where there's a proper mix of casual,  medium and hardcore.  


Maybe he prefers a small hardcore community but personally I enjoy games more when I do well. Just some friendly advice for Basil.