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To fatslob and Bofferbrauer about the next gen cards: Maybe I'm being optimistic as I'm hoping to buy one of the next cards, but I honestly believe what I'm saying.

fatslob, the conjuction of a new architecture and a new process is what will give the next cards a nice performance bump. After all, every time that both things have happened together, the performance jumps have been of at least 20% if not higher in all the price segments. Why would it be different now? Fine, the 480X/1070 maybe won't beat FuryX/980Ti, but they should beat Fury/980 by a big margin.

As for the cost, the jump to 16nm makes the chips a tiny bit more expensive, but so more to completely change the current pricing scale:


And bofferbrauer, sorry but your first point is completely wrong. AMD's HD 6870 was on par or faster than the HD 5870, and the 7870 did the same with the 6970. And in Nvidia, the GTX 570 was on par with the GTX 480, and the 670 was faster than the 580. Even the 780 was almost as fast as the original Titan for a lot less. Saying that it won't happen because it would destroy the value of those high end cards is simply not true.

Also TDP is a problem, yes, but AMD has already found a solution for that problem with the cooler of the Fury X.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.