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JEMC said:

I hope AMD stops the "X" and "non-X" nonsense and launches less cards.

They will continue to do so, just as much NVidia will continue with the Ti Suffix. That much I can guarantee, marketing will not allow this to change.

About the whole discussion between you 2: I doubt a 480X/1070Ti will come close to Fury/Titan, for 2 reasons:

1. Price. It would kill off sales of their old cards in an instant, and not give them much a margin. Unless they will be priced 400€/$ and up, but then I fear for the worst for the price of 490/Fury/1080/Titan. 1000€/$ for an enthousiast GC? No way there will be enough to sustain that price.

2. TDP. Even if the Dies would shrink perfectly by factor 2, the consumption wouldn't be anywhere close to do so. Unless massive Cherry picking (like for the Nano) and underclocking/volting, this just couldn't work out. The reason is, while the generated heat goes down significantly, so does the surface aera at which this heat gets generated, and thus the heat per sqare centimeter (or inch if you prefer) doesn't go down much.