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I need a lot of hours from my game, though this is less of a problem because I almost always buy games after they've gone down in price. I'm a thrifty person, and I also don't feel like I have enough money to spend five bucks an hour or whatever for my entertainment. In fact the only new games I've bought in the last... Woah, I think it's been since Shadow of the Colossus... Well since then they've only been Nintendo games that I was dying to play, and only ones that offer a hefty amount of hours (Zeldas, mostly).

But for the sake of argument, if I were in a situation where I could spend money more freely, I would say that the lowest I would want was something like twelve hours for a full-priced game. Any less than that and it's got to be pretty mind blowing with a lot of replayability, and even then I doubt I would go lower than eight.