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It's really nice to see Japan making big competitive games again. The Japanese titles have me the most interested. I'm really looking forward to Gravity Daze 2, Valkyria: Azure Revolution, P5, and of course the new Zelda and Dragon Quest games, and normally I get tired of sequels. With western games like Uncharted, for example, I got tired of the linear levels, repetitive gameplay, and unoriginal plot lines. I wish western games would work more on their stories and originality.

The only western game that come to mind that I'm really excited about is Mirror's Edge 2. I'm surprised they didn't kill it by turning it into an FPS like Dead Space. When those two games came out I thought the company was turning a corner. I was becoming a fan. At least the interesting UI will always be useful to study for VR design. Why did RE, Dead Space, and Lost Planet all decide to ruin the formula for their games. Sometimes western developers almost make me want to give up games. Luckily there are still good studios around.

Game Boy  master race