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Pop-ins, bad graphics compared to PS4, missing collision detection, enemies that shoot through walls, meaningless and stupid fetch and kill quests that are forced on the player by locked away story missions, lack of focus on the too short story, too small font size, lack of tutorials and the inconvenience of finding/switching characters not currently in your party, censorship on characters, character customization options and in the translation itself (the philosophical / religious meaning of BLADE was cut and replaced with nonsense) and the music are often criticized as well.

For me the biggest problem will be the locked away story quests. In the original Xenoblade which I consider one the top 3 JRPGs of all time, I did not care for the hundreds of kill/collect side quests at all because they were lame and mostly a waste of time. It still took me 80 hours to reach the final boss, the best 80 hours of gaming since Chrono Cross and Final Fantasy VIII.

If the story is now much shorter and locked away by mandatory boring and low quality side quests I can already see myself stopping to play the game at all and I bought a Wii-U just for Xenoblade X.

In my opinion, a good RPG should not have quests at all, all things to do should feel natural and be meaningful. The next Xenoblade should bring the focus back to the story and leave optional things such as side quests which cannot be enjoyed by everyone optional. And official trailers should not spoil most of the areas and characters, I feel like I have already seen most of the game.