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Everyone needs to stop making SS threads. It devolves into bullshit arguments. At the end of the day. SS can have standard controls. They need to design the motion control segments/bosses/enemies to incorporate a control swap choice, and a secondary button system. Just like how they designed the motion controls, in the first place. The game is possible with/without the motions.

A lot of people are hung up with "how would you translate this gesture to a button or the joystick?" The easier way is to just cutout said motion and make it much simple, to what you would do. If you were restricted to Z-targeting.

Take deku nut reflection in OOT. With the N64 controls, it's really just using your sword/shield to bouce it back. But If you wanted to add motion controls to these enemies. They could add you tricking them into getting dizzy. By makinn them follow your sword in a circle. Then you attack while they're confused. Both ways acomplish what you need.