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Sure, I think they can go back to that as the MSRP. But during the rest of the holday time there will be incentives, like gift cards or 3 or 4 games, or even $329 with extra controller. Come new year I think the best thing for Sony to do is drop the 500GB unit and put the 1TB in at $349. I do think returning to a $349 price point for a 500GB PS4 with no game is completely out of the question. Indeed even a 1TB unit with no bundle game will be a pretty rare sight. 

As for Xb one. Hard to say since $349 has been the baqse price for Xb one for over a year now. And for Xb one to compete with PS4 in its strongest territory it can't have the same base price. Even with a $50 cheaper base price PS4 won more NPDs than Xb one. If MS has resigned itself to not winning the race, and has turned to selling well enough and being profitable, then I think it will, and should stay at $349 at least until E3 2016. 2016 should be a slim year for both PS4 and Xb one, so the big question will be how much they drop the price. both going down to $250 would be massive. But I think Sony will only drop $50 for the slim, but perhaps up the HDD again to 1.5TB.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix