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Obviously. It will start happening next year, with Sony coming out with the latest entries in their biggest franchises like Uncharted 4, and Gran Turismo. Then they have some interesting looking new IPs from their first party studios like Horizon, The Last Guardian, Dreams. On top of that there's some other medium sized exclusives like Hotshot's Golf, Rachet and Clank, Gravity Rush 2, etc.

That's not counting all the 3rd party exclusives, Street Fighter V will make sure every fighting game fan gets a PS4, and JRPG fans don't have a choice either.

Also some truly exceptional looking "indies" like No Man's Sky, WiLD, The Tomorrow Children, Rime.

XB1 on the other hand I believe has reached it's peak this year. Their big exclusives like Halo and Forza have failed to turn the tide, only one left is Gears, and that being passed on to a new unproven developer is likely to make it drop in popularity like Halo.

PS4 literally has every gamer's taste covered as far as I can see, there's no reason to not get one.