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not really at this point, at least anywhere near the old Cold War

what made the Cold War so significant was that there were two countries who had the perfect (as terrible as it was) scenario to give them both leadership positions: i.e. Wold War II. It's unique for a conflict to end with two large countries both receiving so much power in a way (USA from just industry and taking advantage arguably of the time Europe rebuilt, Russia obviously from taking over half of Europe)

the USA and Russia were both nearly equally more powerful by a long shot over the next countries and were polar opposites


currently, despite the big tension between Russia and the USA, I don't see them anywhere near equal nor comparable. Russia is too weak now in terms of their position in the world economy and the thing is too big of a portion of the world doesn't see eye to eye with them

you could argue that at thie point even India is more powerful than Russia (obviously I'm speaking beyond nuclear capabilities)


if it were China who were having all of this tension with the USA then I would say, yes, that would be a lot more comparable. but Russia beyond nuclear capability is just too much of a shadow for another Cold War to really pop up... there isn't enough gain to be had or frankly enough hate between the two nations for fear of a nuclear world imo


I could however see tensions reaching the old Cold War level at some point due to a third party; i.e. Russia/China/USA supporting different sides over a Middle Eastern conflict or whatever. but we're not at that point genuinely yet in terms of differences or particular conflict