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A Nintendo system where the best game on it is not first party, not developed in-house by Nintendo themselves, that's a rare occurrence. The 3DS handheld however is such a system. 'Resident Evil: Revelations' takes the system to the next level pushing visuals that didn't seem possible.

The game is a return to the series' roots, taking place in dark, abandoned and confined spaces of a cruise ship with the gameplay scale tipped more towards the horror aspect once again. Being a survival horror game, the game has it's fair share of tense moments and a lot of scares. Like much of the series, there's a real B-movie story in the game, which is quite entertaining and keeps you going. This story is presented in small episodes, which are perfect for handheld gaming sessions.

The game's design still allows itself to mix things up and every now and then, a faster paced, more action oriented section takes place. Progression is as such that when the player gets further into the game, more of the ship becomes accessible due to the player unlocking new areas in each 'Episode', the game's variant on levels presented as if it was a television-series. It's a shame the second game didn't make it to the 3DS for some reason, but if I ever get a PlayStation Vita, I'll be sure to buy the sequel!