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An old game that was re-released on almost every platform under the sun. I played the Macintosh version of 'Prince of Persia' on our Apple Performa 630, our very first home computer, and later the PowerMac 5500. Unknown to me at the time, this meant I was actually playing the better version of the game with higher resolution sprites and a overhauled graphic design. The prince actually looked like a Persian prince here.

The player has to make his way through the dungeons and the halls of the palace towards the chamber of Jaffar, the Grand Vizier who has imprisoned the princess in a bid to take power over the kingdom. This is the main hook of the game, the princess will die in 60 minutes because Jaffar will kill her if she doesn't marry him, which of course, she doesn't. Which makes the game very hard because after that one hour it's game over. And this is not really a short game either, basically requiring the player to speedrun from the start. A case of massive trail and error.

At one point in the game, the player is halted by a big mirror that's impossible to break. In one of the most embarrassing moments of me and my parent's gaming life, it took us, literally, years to figure out what to do. This wasn't the age where you could just casually look up a walkthrough on the internet, mind you. As it turned out, all you had to do was, jump through it...