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Nope, that wasn't posted. I would have noticed it!

Those prices make a lot more sense, and make things a lot more interesting durimg the important holiday sales.

+FuryX can't compete with the 980Ti. Its price drop will help it move more units.

+Now Fury and the 980 have the same price, so users will have to decide between better performance (Fury) or lower power consumption (980).

+390/390X and 970 are in a very interesting fight. The 390 is a lot cheaper with similar performance, and the 390X costs about the same and is usually faster. Plus they do have 8GB of VRAM.

And I guess that the newly launched 380X will also drop in price into the $199 slot.

Great move from AMD.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.