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Gamemaster87 said:

What I said is that they can't compete with the NX with PS4 and Xbox One. Those games got games for several year and are not the successors to a failed system. Nobody with a mind would buy the NX then if he doesn't own a PS4 yet. And I don't want them to do nothing, I want them to support the Wii U, to make money with it and to show fans that they can trust in Nintendo even in bad times. Rushing out the NX in 2016 will let the trust of the consumers in Nintendo fade away.

And no, I don't like a 2016 NX. That's a point where I will leave Nintendo for ever because the company chose to betray its fans and decided to die.

NX 2016 -> Nintendo's death (or at least the start of it)

In business as in life itself, a mistake is not always a failure, I can't think of any example right now, but I'm sure you agree with me on this. If we had stopped our lives because of a failure we made, I'm sure everybody would be dead by now. Failure is a part of life, what you do after failing is what makes you wiser, stronger and more self-conscious. Also, their failure with the virtual boy was even bigger and here they are 20 years later still standing. I think you might be underestimating Nintendo as a company.

As a Nintendo fan, I could say that I'm even "happy" that the wii u failed, because they will make a bigger effort in their next console. I have enjoyed the wii u a lot, and I still do and I'm planning to enjoy it even after the NX is released, consoles aren't dead once there is a newer one on the market.

In 9 days the game I'm most hyped for is being released, and next year there are at least 5 games that I'm going to buy. I wouldn't say the wii u was a complete disaster, Could it been better? Of course! But is a great console with great games, something we can't say about virtual boy for example.

Nintendo has supported the wii u for three years and we still don't know when is the NX being released. If it was released in june, I would agree with you that they kinda left the console die too soon and they could have done more, but until we know...

Also, the beginning of Nintendo's death is quite old now. They have been "doomed" for quite some time now. Every new generation people say Nintendoom is going third party and here they are, planning their next console, which I think is going to sell great. Or at least, much more than the wii u.