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It's really fantastic. It's tough as shit though.
I am on NG+ with an embarrassingly high level character (though to be fair, at my level, increasing my stats doesn't make me that much more powerful, so much as it gives me more options. At least that's what I tell myself to make me feel like I am not a total noob). I beat Ludwig yesterday, but I am leaving my apartment for Thanksgiving, so I won't be able to continue for a little while.

Anywho, yeah. Ludwig took me something like 20 to 30 tries to beat. I summoned the League cooperator to help me, but basically every AI cooperator dies early into Ludwig's second form. I mostly only used a cooperator because I was tired of only having a 30-40% chance of getting through Ludwig's first form, when he's like a cross between Blood-starved Beast and Vicar Amelia. When he picks up his sword though... things get rough. I eventually learned how to dodge his telegraphed super attack (it has a super wide area of effect, and it is disconcerting because he readjusts himself closer to you when he's about to bring down his sword). And while I could dodge most of his regular attacks with some regularity, he had this one triple attack combo that I could never really figure out.

But yeah, nothing felt better than when I finally beat him. My +9 burial blade just couldn't dish out damage quickly enough, so I used my +10 Blades of Mercy which I usually just keep around for dealing with hunters.