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ZhugeEX said:

There is a difference between sold through and sold in. 

Sony report both. They have sold in 29.3 million as of September 30th 2015 as they mentioned in their earnings release.

This 30.2 milion is a sold through number as of November 22nd and includes consoles sold at retail to end users. 

There is a bit of a weird thing going on here.

They reported 29.3M "shipped" in their earnings release - or did they report 29.3M sell-in? (Usually companies always reported shipped=manufactured numbers unitl now).

If the 29.3M number was indeed shipped, then there is NO WAY Sony could have sold through 30.2M units by November 22nd. If that were true, then ALL the consoles on ships trundling to their destinations had been moved to retailers. In addition, 900k units of the new quarter shipment (which weren't on ships until November) would also have had to arrive in shops before Nov 22nd and hd to be sold. As it usually takes around 8 weeks to ship "stuff", that would mean all consoles were/are now air transported which I find kind of very unlikely.

If I wanted to "believe" the 30.2M number, this would mean Sony manufactured WAY more than 29.3M units by end of last quarter. And hid the real number in the inventory column of the earnings report (that column does show a remarkable increase). Why they would do that - maybe to piss off MS with exactly such a depressing statement?

Or maybe that 30.2M sell-through is an estimate by Sony using a few known numbers like MediaCreate for Japan, NPD for USA and some Eurotracked countries and then linearly exrapolated all over the globe, assuming sales patterns were equal everywhere untracked.