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Aragami said:
Funny, Ps4 is undertracked by almost 2 Million Units, while the Xbone is overtracked like maybe... 2 Million units? ;) or even more

1.3M isn't almost 2M. And no way the X1 is 2M overtracked.

I think its possible, why they never say something about Xbone Sales alone, they always mention shipments with x360 combined.

I am from Switzerland, so please accept my bad english ;)

"Normally, most of the B-teams of the DC Universe should have no problem with either Goku or any other SSJ out there, Gotenks and Vegito included. I think Black Adam would be enough, easily, to end them both. Maybe Booster Gold, if he could stop being a fuck up for a while."

Jinxrake aka best Comedian ever