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Twilight Princess easily has the best swordplay in the entire series. If you collect even half of the sword moves, you can have far more varied content than any Zelda before or after it. I don't know if you can really tell with the Wii version, the waggle fest that it is, but the Gamecube version was stellar.

That said, what is this "the enemies are too easy" thing? Has anybody ever played a 3D Zelda game before? They are hardly the pinnacle of difficulty when it comes to enemies. Not being able to defeat a boss or otherwise first try is such a rarity, I can't actually recall if it has ever happened. I would say Majora's Mask is the only 3D entry that actually had some difficult bosses, or much of difficult anything, really.

I loved most of the dungeons, the various areas were pretty interesting, and I enjoyed exploring for heart pieces and bugs. I didn't need the world to be chock full of things to do, as that wasn't what I was expecting. I was glad they didn't overload it with useless stuff like they did in Wind Waker, where many islands were just for charts to find treasure or heart pieces, upgrades, or otherwise that was simply more condensed in other 3D entries.

That said, my least favorite part was the mandatory wolf portions. I didn't hate them, but things definitely slowed down during the light bug hunts. Later on when transformations can be done at will, wolf stuff is far more acceptable.