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The artstyle was a real turn-off for me. Maybe it's just an acquired taste...but for me, the character designs all ranged from weird-looking to flat-out ugly. It worked for monsters, but for people?

Like seriously...what is this thing. Is this a child? 
Personal preference on the artstyle aside, I didn't hate the game itself, it just didn't really measure up to the other other 3D Zelda titles for me. I found the dungeon design and soundtrack to be pretty great, and Midna is probably my favorite partner character (not that she has much competition). I'd say it's still a 9/10 in my book...which goes to show how highly I rank the series in general.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334