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Cool thread idea op.

5. Rock Band 2 - Specifically Rock Band 2 but the first one was great as well. Basically for the same interaction with friends that my first pick shares with to a lesser extent. Great fun. Also inviting the girls to game with the guys so they can sing was always a great excuse to hang with some girls ;)

4. Mass Effect series - Made me rethink life lol. But seriously the way you interact with all the characters and making choices for them/what those choices impact; it was pretty awesome. I actually cared for video game characters and what happens to them. That's never happened for me before. Pretty awesome stuff.

3. League of Legends - I simply play this game too much lol. Started as a casual noob and now I'm flirting between silver and gold and love watching/rooting for the pros when they play live stream. Got me into pro gaming for League which; as a huge sports fan, used to think was nerdy and a joke.

2. Call of Duty 4 - Got me into online shooters and online gaming as a whole. Socializing with my friends became standard and the whole invite your friends into a game party was freakin sweet at the time.

1. Super Smash Bros - It's not even close really. The ultimate get together for my friends in middle/high school. Such fun. Literally at any time. After school? Come over for Smash. Weekend? Smash party bro. Skipping class? SMASH AT MY HOUSE. All of them are amazing but Brawl holds a special place in my heart since I've played it the most with my high school friends. Great time. I miss this lol.

Also I have over 1000 hours playing Brawl lol.

Currently own:


  • Ps4


Currently playing: Witcher 3, Walking Dead S1/2, GTA5, Dying Light, Tomb Raider Remaster, MGS Ground Zeros