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Attacks can wipe out a settlement apparently. I had sent some people to Covenant, let them fend for themselves and now it's at 0 population again. You don't get the defenses there when you take over the settlement. The turrets all around it don't do anything, wouldn't be a Bethesda game without glitches.

The attackers also spawn inside Sanctuary. It still was a great all out battle with all 18 of my settlers there running around in a big group hunting down the super mutants. Too bad most of my defences are pointed outward, mostly useless in an attack.

Sniper tower, no time to get up in there during an attack.
Entrance gate with laser turrets, too bad they spawn behind it already accross the river.
Turrets facing the water, useless.

One comment on Eurogamer sums it up pretty well
At the moment instead of placing turrets around the perimeter and walling the settlement up like a normal person you're better off having all weaponry facing inwards towards your own camp. It's like I'm building a prison where everyone is forced to grow corn under the watchful eye of machine gun turrets.

It's fun to build stuff, too bad the attacks are not much more than an after thought.

Btw how do you get a sniper rifle with 100+ dmg? My best one is 66 atm, a laser rifle. Gun at 55, horrible recoil, can't take most things out in one shot which alerts all the others and it's pretty useless inside anyway. I'm only lvl 26 though, still can't unlock the high level gun and science perks. Plus I spend all my fibre optics etc on turrets. The gameplay is good enough that it kept me going until 4am again, just one more thing :/