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The Uncharted series is what brought me back into hardcore console gaming after a very long time of being away. The HD graphics of the first game did a good job at drawing me back to the big screen, where I would remain until now. The first game was followed by a second, and a third, the prettiest yet, and one of the prettiest of the entire generation.

I have always preferred to story of the third game in the series over that of the second, because it doesn't rely on supernatural myths and feels more like a more realistic treasure hunt. In 'Uncharted 3', Nathan Drake, the player's character for the series, travels to an abandoned chateau in France, Yemen, Syria and the amazing looking Rub' al Khali desert before finally reaching the legendary, hidden city of Ubar. All after a particularly amusing opening scene that takes place in Londen and a flashback of young Drake's early thieving days in Cartagena.

Interestingly, this is also the first game where I tried the 3D function on the television ever, though it was some time after I had already completed the game. Quite impressive, but the graphics always were. Aside from it's looks, it is still the gameplay which draws towards games like this. They seem to be tailor-made especially for me.