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They said one last Nintendo Direct for the year, and we just got one, so I think it's safe to assume there wont be any announcements left thus we can look back at what we have gotten this year. Let me know if I missed anything!



Fire Emblem: Fates - $80 for full game, probably engine n assest reuse aswell but I've purposely not looked at it

Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam - will probably be good, but Sticker Star assets invoke caution

Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer - a slight expansion on a single feature, also 70% asset reuse

Metroid Prime: Federation Force - really their only mistake was putting Metroid Prime in the title, the game itself doesn't look too bad

The Legend of Zelda: Triforce Heroes - they even admitted it uses ALBW's engine, but it's still a solid game

*Chibi-Robo!: Zip Lash - I forgot about this game. That probably says all you need to know about it lawl jk.


-=WII U=-

Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash - ultra barebones

Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival - garbage


* = edited in after initial post was made


So only 8 games, 6 for 3DS, 2 for Wii U, an imbalance probably due to one system being much easier to develop for, afterall asside from Metroid all those franchises already had a game on 3DS so it woulda made sense to give them installments on Wii U, unless they're only trying to ride these systems out, in which case it does make sense to spend the bulk of their resources on the cheaper and more popular system. Those resources aren't even much though, as I pointed out above most of those games aren't built from the ground up and/or just have very little effort put into them.

Atleast Home Designer is the only 3DS game I'd say isn't good, but the Wii U games are just bad. This only further shows Nintendo's unwillingness to put in effort, as making a good Wii U game obviously takes more effort than making a good 3DS game. Now some might say amiibo Festival and Ultra Smash are just fillers, but so what? Captain Toad and Kirby were also fillers. The reason why 2014's filler pair is good while 2015's isn't is probably because Nintendo still believed Smash n Kart could turn the Wii U around. That didn't happen, so now they're giving up on it.

While it's unfortunate, I can't blame them for not making a Metroid Prime U, as that would take a lot of time and resources to make, and for what, a game that doesn't sell well or move any consoles. Same deal for a lot of their franchises really, if they weren't already working on Paper Mario U, Animal Crossing U, etc., what's the point in starting now? So yeah it's pretty obvious and understandable why they'd want to move on from Wii U, it's simply not worth the effort. As for the 3DS, they've already expended all their big guns. Mario, Smash, Pokemon, Zelda, Animal Crosssing, you name it. The system has nowhere to go but down from here. More importantly than all that is how Nintendo wants to no longer have their software teams divided by two consoles. Looking at Wii U software output it's clear things can't be left the way they are, and for that the 3DS has to be phased out aswell.

On top of all that, in the very same E3 direct where Nintendo's lack of effort first became apparent, they also said they'll talk about NX in 2016, which at the time ment just that, but now sounds more like "Since the 3DS already has all our games and the Wii U is too big a failure to make more on, we've decided we're done with this gen and all our efforts are on NX now, please understand!" Extrapolation n exaggeration aside, I highly doubt it's a coincidence. Of course there's also a possibility that Nintendo just doesn't care anymore, but that's just ridiculous. The effort that used to be on 3DS n Wii U is simply on the NX now... hopefully!

I'm pretty confident at this point that the upcoming games for 3DS n Wii U that we know of now are pretty much the last ones we're gonna get. All signs point to 2016 being the final year for both systems, with Zelda U (despite very likely going multiplat) being the Wii U's send off, and Pokemon Z being the last hurrah for the 3DS. Other than the aforementioned Pokemon Z, all other 2016 announcements will be NX related.

So yeah, this it for Nintendo's involvement in the 8th generation! Overall I'd say I'm satisfied with both the 3DS and Wii U despite their shorter lifespan. I mean I'm definitely disappointed in the lack of Paper Mario, Animal Crossing, and Mario Strikers on Wii U among other things, but eh I'll survive hehe.

Well I suppose some of you probably don't want to believe this and still expect Nintendo to support 3DS and Wii U into 2017, well to that I say you're crazy! Literally no indication of that has been given since E3, only the opposite, but feel free to show me something I'm not seeing.