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You know who's to blame? The casualz. No, really, hear me out.

We as hardcore gamers (some more than others, me being among the "others") know what's going on in the industry, we understand that pre-ordering is bad and forking out money for broken games and bad business ideas (as in, bad for us, not the companies) is bad for the entire industry. We get that, because we don't simply play they games, we follow the industry, read the news and discusses it. Most gamers though, those that always buys the latest CoD's, FIFA's and Madden's and what have you, they don't read gaming news like we do, so they don't get that they're supporting bad ideas. I mean, we can't blame them, they don't care about the industry as much as we do, they just wanna enjoy their games and have fun. But we're left with the mess some one else made.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.