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John2290 said:
Mystro-Sama said:

I'm almost done with the Phantom Pain and i've decided to pick up either Witcher 3 or Fallout 4 and while both games are massive and deep at the end of it all they're games and the superior game should have superior gameplay. How is the combat in both games? I've also never played a Witcher or a Fallout.

I ve placed quite a bit of Fallout 4. I now cleaning up the last few trophies for the platium, I have also played The Witchery 3 twice and gotten the platform.  So I can say this without hesitation that The witchery 3 is by far a better game, I could easily play it a third time while Fallout 4 (loved f3 and NV for...400hrs...maybe) and F4 just falls short on everything that made the last two great. Every other quest you are broke from the immersion left thinking, did a child write this? Is there anyone actually putting effort into directing the voice actors? That choice I just made, does it actually mean anything at all besides blocking me for other quests? And the list goes on. I can't believe how terribly bland and flat they made this game and im sad to say im disopointed. I still keep telling myself, maybe ....maybe it will get better. 

That said the moment to moment game play which is enojoyable until you have to interact with scripted moments and there are a few things it does well. answer the thread. The witcher 3 is a bigger game in most respects, not as much moving part's or micro management, but it really has set a new standerd and if Bethesda don't do something about moving into this decade for TES 6 then they will hurt themselves going forward after that. 


For comparison of how i feel score wise. Fallout 4 * 7/10. Wither 3 * 9.5/10. Mgs5 * 9.5/10. Bloodborne. * 9/10. Dragon age inquisition * 8.5/10. 

I agree with this post almost entirely. I dont understand how anyone can say Elder Scrolls and Fallout are great "open worlds" cause you write your own story, actualy no theres no story to be written, the storytelling is super simple and rudmentar all you do is literaly go from random place in your map to random place in your map killing stuf and if you feel like it you can also murder an entire setlement for no reason. I have fun playing it but thats all those games are to me, some quick fun shooting stuf and leveling up and finding some loot (wich by the way has a few problems as well, since there isnt much variety if you disconsider all the junk you get to scrap),  kinda like playing Diablo. The characters are so useless that I dont even know the names of the companions I have, they have no story and dont interact with the world at all, the onyl one I remember is Dogmeat cause hes good at bitting enemys legs and pinning them down for me.

Withcer on the other hand is a complete experience, with super imersive world and story, masterfull quest design and characters that youll remember forever, and it also have the going to random places and kiling suf in there if you want to do that for a bit.