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John2290 said:

The wasn't a turine test. It was the exact same test used in Fallout 3s school at the start of the game. Then it was a test to see what job you would take later in life. 

From the information you find in the town and compound they're fine tuning the SAFE test to work as a turing test.  Fallout 3 had the GOAT test, which is indeed the same set of questions (minus the last one with only Overseer as answer) Either it's a cheeky reference to previous game, total laziness, or the people in Covenent found that old test to try and use it for their purpose. I'm thinking the latter from the information available about testing the test.

Currenlty I'm on the USS constitution, run by dementing robots. Funny stuff, yet the gameplay isn't much more than fetch missions so far (or simply bypass with high int) There is a 'moral' dilemma, side with the scavengers or satisfy my curiosity and find out what the dementing captain has in mind with all that firepower... I know it will be the latter, I set of the nuke in F3 to satify my curiosity :)