mysteryman said:
Not necessarily. Metacritic doesn't just get an average of scores from different review websites. Metacritic adds a hidden "weight" to each website's score when collating them all. The way in which Metacritic assigns these weightings leaves them open to adding their own bias to review scores (note I am talking about Metacritic possibly having a bias in general, not specifically towards Nintendo). |
Of course it is true that Metacritic weights reviewers. However the weightings are consistent for a particular reviewer between games - whether they're Nintendo or otherwise. Now while this does open up the door for Metacritic to bias Metascores in some ways, they would have to rely on consistently biased reviewers (who they could then weight highly) to do this.
I guess I'll concede then that Metacritic could be biased - but I find it very unlikely that that's what's going on here.