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I don't think a thread has already been made ? Sorry if there is.

So, the Wii U has now been out for three years in North America, the 18th November 2012. It may have been in troubled, get some disappointment but it still managed to put a lot of awesome games and deserve his status of Nintendo Hardware. Let's talk a bit about what games are your favourite on the system at the moment, and which games are you looking forward in the future ?

Personally, my three favourite games on the system are :

Super Smash Bros for Wii U obviously, without any doubt the best Smash Bros ever made. Man, I've already put more hours in this than in Smash Bros Brawl AND Melee combined. And what's even better is that it's continually hyped thanks to the releases of new characters, as Ryu, Cloud, Roy, Lucas, Mewtwo are. An amazing game.

A game that I wasn't waiting at all when he was first revelead at E3 2014, and then slowly and slowly became more interesting to finally be one of my favourite Wii U games. What I love even more than the cool and fresh gameplay is the universe that Splatoon created. I like the music a lot, it reminds me Jet Set Radio but with its own Ink-touch. I like so much this fashion central theme in the game. And of course, the core gameplay of the game is awesome. Truly one of the greatest surprises these last years.

Remember how Edge called Super Mario 3D World in his review ? "The most next-gen game of 2013", the year when the two others next-gen consoles came, with way much power, it was Super Mario 3D World who got the showfloor. You can see so many garbage about how "this isn't a real 3d mario" and do much shit all because the game isn't a lot open and more linear, but who cares ? The game's so much fun, the level design is at least as good as previous 3D Mario (which means excellent), you can play in coop on every stage and it works really good, the visuals are really nice...It truly deserves his name of "Super Mario 3D", and the fact that you can't rotate the camera as you wish is a blatant argument against it.

And for the upcoming games, I won't give again three games 'cause this thread is already way too long, so I will only give one game, the one I'm waiting the most : Xenoblade Chronicles X

Yeah, it's gonna release in less than a month but god it may be one of the games I've been dying during the wait for it. It wins in everything in my heart, visually it's awesome, so good music for what I've listening (aka what's in the trailers), the gameplay is from Xenoblade and is even improved, the game has a LOT of content and I'm planning to 100% it in the whole December 2015 and January 2016, it got FUCKING MECHS !! I'm so freaking hyped and really can't wait much longer.


So, what games will you remember of these three years of Wii U and what game are you looking for ? Let's discuss !

(please don't bring too much NX in here)